class="w3-bar-block w3-black w3-hide w3-hide-large w3-hide-medium w3-top" style="margin-top:46px"> HOME ABOUT US FOR PARENTS ANIMATION

About Us

"We promote positive and healthy attitudes for children"

Our purpose is to make parents aware of how important it is to influence a positive healthy attitude within there children. Our purpose to children is to help them be aware of the positives of looking after yourself and to make fun for them in order to help them gain a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude in regards to fitness and mental health will help children as they grow up. Did you know that nearly 40% percent of children experience anxiety, depression and outbursts. Our aim with this website and social media campaign is to help bring an awareness to that percentage in order to decrease it in the future. We have developed a vary of different projects to meet the needs of parents and children from: Tips for parents, Games for children, Voiceovers for children to listen to and Characters for children to look up.

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For Parents

"How can you promote positive attitudes to children"

It is very important to promote positive wellbeing within your children. Statistics show that mental health within children can be affected negativity through; diet, lack of exercise and the content they are consuming. Social media can be an influence on the mental health of children due to online bullying, unrealistic influences of how to look and act. As a parent how can I change this? It's very simple here are a few tips:
- Manage the amount of content they are consuming on their phone.

- Influence them to exercise by taking them for walks, doing fun activities outdoors such as: football, hopscotch.

- Online PE classes (Joe Wicks: PE Class every weekday on Youtube).

- Incorporating their five a day of fruit and vegetables into a daily routine.

- Helping them get into a routine of brushing their teeth.

- Communicating positively with your children and talking to them about what's going on with them and asking how they are.

- Surrounding them positive content such as upbeat movies and music.

These are just a few of many things you can do to help your children stay physically and fit.

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"fantastic animation for children"

Below is a animation which tell's the story Billie. Find out why Billie is upset and watch Billie go on a journey to become happier and healthier.


"Positvity game for children"

Welcome to the gaming section of the website, where you must jump on the objects displayed within the game in order to change mood and colour within the game, beware as you lose points when you jump on a negative object.

INSTRUCTIONS = To the play the game, use the arrors on your keyboard, use the top arrow to go up, bottom arrow to go down, left side arrow to move to the left and right side arrow to move the right

Contact Us

Have a Question? Below is our Contact Number and our address and email. Feel free to send us a message below via our form, leave your email and we will get back to you shortly.

Dundalk, Ireland
Phone: +00 151515
Email: sonakids@yahoo.ie